Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Baby sister update

These pics are of sister's profile and her fist.
Last Wednesday we had a growth ultrasound and they estimated that she was just shy of 7lbs at 6.15 at that point.  They also predicted she would be around 8.13 if she came at 40 weeks.  I must say, I am seriously skeptical of these numbers but it would be nice!  This puts baby girl in the 84th percentile, which I'm told is big but not Deven big.  So we haven't scheduled anything yet, we are in 'wait and see' mode until...well...until we're not. 
Some statistics for all you spreadsheet nerds out there (like me):
*10 days before Deven was born they predicted he could be as big as 9.14 and ultimately they thought he would be between 9.5 and 10lbs
*Deven was born at 10.11
*generally babies gain about an 1oz per day at this point in pregnancy
*as noted above, 4 weeks before her due date they estimate she was 6.15
*if she is born on 3/30, they predict she will weigh 8.13
So my work has started a pool for when she will be born and how much she will weigh...feel free to join in!  : )

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