Monday, April 9, 2012

Fashion rights

Whether you are a momma, a daddo, or some other care taker of a child who can't dress themselves and you have stayed up with them all night with 45 minutes between feedings, 3 poopie diapers and at least 2 peepee diapers you have earned the right to dress them in what ever you want!  I'm hoping Tova will approve in years to come but frankly this morning I have earned fashion rights for a long time and I just don't care.  I think she is just gorgeous, don't you?


  1. I'm pretty sure you will always have Tova dressed fabulously! Can't wait to meet her when we come up for Ryan's birthday in a couple weeks.

    I hope you find some time to nap today!

  2. Headed for a nap now ash, gonna be amazing! See you in a couple of weeks!!
