Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Tova Rae Johnston's birth day!

Our little girl was born this morning at 10:03am.  She weighs 8 lbs and 12 oz and has a height of 20.5 inches.  By all accounts, I'm told, a larger than average baby but Deven still had her beat by 2 pounds! 
She is a great eater and so far a great sleeper!  No worries I know this will not last but I'll take it for now. 
She has dark brown hair and dark blue eyes for now.  A looker if you will!
Here are a few pics...a lot more to follow in the coming days as we get settled.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS ANGELA!!! She's a beauty and I absolutely LOVE her name!

  2. Thanks Tara! It means beautiful or good which think fits perfectly!!
