Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer Fun

We've been having some crazy fun this summer.  Crazy because that's just who we are and fun because the sun just doesn't seem to be going away.  It's hard to fit everything in on the weekends but we are doing our very best.  Here are a few pictures that I don't believe have appeared in previous blogs but I can't leave out.
Up close and personal, Tova showing she knows what a camera is for.

This is how we are able to get Dev to move at least a slow walking pace as apposed to a snail pace on our walks to town.

Tova loves to take "notes"

My goof balls fresh one morning before school.  Some days I am so amazed I was able to actually get them dressed in the morning in a timely manner that I waste even more time to take a picture so I can remember "that one time" I actually did it.

Tova's Anne of Green Gables look at the Brew Feast this year.  Hmmm that sentence doesn't seem to add up well.

Cute Cute Cute at the Brew Feast this year.
May have to frame this one.

Tova hamming it up on a walk in Everett in June.

Deven's rendition of "People Are Awesome"  You Tube it, you won't regret it.


Dev's new Roman Soldier hat to dress up at a super hero party.

She is looking so big.  It's hard to see but she has her first piggy tails here.

Needed to capture her ability to carry a purse since practically birth, which is remarkable because I basically never carry a purse.  Nature 1: Nurture 0

Walk along the Everett Marina waiting for the farmers market to open.  Seriously it doesn't open until 11 am.  We'd been up for 5 hours already so it got a little nuts.

Attention right where it should be.

Tuckered out during my stay at home mom week watching Dev learn how to listen at soccer camp.

First fourth of July picnic and also first time she "fed herself." 

Tuckered out again.  Waking up at 6am means your day must end at 6pm.  Nigh Night.

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