Saturday, March 7, 2009

Nicks Birthday (part1) - Gnocchi Night

Nick's 28th birthday was yesterday and I celebrated by cooking for HIM for once! If you don't know, Nick is generally the cook in this house. I do it only as a last resort! ; ) Not for lack of know how mind you...

I know it sounds lame but we have been wanting a food processor for the longest time and so yesterday on the ride in to work I had a brilliant idea. I (thank the shopping gods) work right next to Pacific Place, Nordy's and all the other fun boutiques down town. So on my lunch break (yes I actually took one in honor of Nick's birthday) I headed over to William Sonoma and consulted with a sales associate. I came away with a fabulous new four cup Cuisinart.
I decided to create an Italian meal with Pesto Gnocchi, a bottle of our favorite Bogle Petite Sarah (no I wasn't drinking and yes, I know this is straying from the Italian theme) and Tiramisu for dessert. Below is Nick's documentary of the blessed event where is wife actually cooked dinner for him.

Below: Top- notice the new Cuisinart used to make fresh pesto for the meal. Bottom - the Gnocchi squares before boiling...I make them a little big but they were yummy!!

Below: Me and my almost 24 week belly about ready to put a batch in for the boil. Notice the basil plant in the back ground picked clean for the pesto. Yes, we grow basil because we use it a lot and it is really expensive!!

For Part2 of Nick's birthday we are off to Redhook Ale Brewery in Woodinville, WA this evening with a bunch of friends. As I will likely be the only sober one at the event I will be sure to capture the moment and post them soon for your enjoyment!!

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