Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Field trip

The other day I got to take some time off work and go with Deven to his first field trip to Craven Farms.  It was a lot of fun getting to be with him all day and getting to peak in on Tova a few times.  I was able to share momma duties with his teachers - I am honestly not sure how they do it.  I only wanted to kill him a couple of times and we came home with a huge bag of kettle corn, so I would call the trip a success.

The equally fun part was getting two full hours to myself while the kiddos napped and had a snack (at school).  I had TMG ("the momma guilt") for a little while but my solitude at Starbucks and deal finding trip to Target was totally worth it.  Hey I had two field trips.  A great day!!

Waiting outside the pumpkin patch - they had a bit of a guided tour.
Yes, that is Deven's blond little head standing in A LINE.  Who knew??

Climbing over everything and yelling...this is the boy I know and love!!

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