Thursday, July 25, 2013

A Zombie Birthday

Yes, this was all Deven's idea.  Deven has been requesting a Zombie party since January.  I have no idea where this idea came from, we don't watch zombie anything and before he mentioned it...well Nick and I had never actually mentioned the "existence" of zombies.  But living with Dev this sort of discovery is par for the course.  So a Zombie party.  In pictures.

Lovin' on Daddo a couple weeks before his birthday.  Making sure he stays on our good side.

Practicing for the big day.  Yes, I busted out a face painting station.  Thankfully the nearby beach offered way more entertainment and not too many kiddos were interested.  Best to keep my art to myself.

Keeping with the a kiddo Zombie theme Zombie Teeth, aka White Chocolate

Nick and I cut up black licorice to resemble zombie hair.  I think it worked.
It felt like master chef in our house except we were the fools that planned too much and there were only 3...2...1 minutes left before we had to pack everything up and get the heck to the park.

But they turned out freakin' fantastic.  Kiddos loved them but either grown ups were trying to watch their figures or these awesome jello eye balls with edible food paint just grossed them out.  From scratch peeps, from scratch.  That's just how we roll.
Dev in his zombie/monster face paint with buddy Myka who just loved playing our ring toss game (six pack of root beer using canning lids for a ring).  She kept putting the prize back so she could play again. 

I didn't get a proper picture but I had my mom and sister make up the Zombie Goo aka., red jello with strawberries cut to resemble blood cells.  Yes.

We got some cheep (not powdered) plastic gloves, put water in them and used them as ice cubes for the Zombie Juice.  Some of the fingers fell off but this just added to the "ambiance."
A creole recipe using fingerling potatoes for zombie fingers.  Was so good but again...I think it grossed people (grown ups) out. :)  I didn't get a picture but Nick grilled up some Muffaletta sandwhiches to go along with our attempt at a New Orleans food theme.

Frank has been with the family since Dev was about two but he certainly helped with the deco like never before.  I ordered the tape along with card board signs pointing people to various disgusting zombie places.
This was one of the invites we sent out.  I ordered from a gal on Etsy.  I had to print and cut them myself was totally worth it.
Post party relaxation with his new football gear.  Such a Johnston.

Next morning all kids let us sleep in until 8am.  This may sound entirely too early for a Sunday but I am here to tell you it was a treat in this early bird house.
I hope he remembers this epic party.  I'm not sure Nick and I have it in us to do something this big again next year but I'm sure TMG ("the mama guilt") will get to me once again and we will end up doing something equally as awesome.  Happy fourth birthday Deven.  We love you - a ton.

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