Wednesday, March 3, 2010

8 Month Checkup

So we didn't have a check up this month per se, but with all the doctor visits it sure seems like we have had one. We don't know height or head circumference but we are certain he is 19lbs 12oz. There has been so many milestones this month, Nick and I are proud parents!!

Milestones: Pincer Grasp, scooting, crawling, pulling himself up first with the laundry basket and then to the coffee table, connecting different babble sounds.

* Erin Wright's Palates ball (see subsequent post) - I'm thinking we need to get her a new one
* His new music table - Deven really likes to bang on all the keys
* Sam - Deven laughs and laughs at his brother Sam
* Holding his own bottle - he's a big boy and can handle it
* Food - this month he has been increasing his solid food intake but also maintaining his milk...growing perhaps?!?
* Coasters - of all his toys coasters seem to spark the most interest of late
* Running and "The Bob" - though we have only gotten out running once he seemed to really like taking in all the scenery. The family is participating in the Saint Patrick's Day Dash in a couple of weeks, wish us luck.
* His two bottom teeth - so freakin' cute!
* Other kids - Deven laughs and laughs at other kids

* Cinnamon - so far each dish I have given him with Cinnamon has caused a forceful gagging reaction...hmmm...
* Getting his nose wiped - his bronchiolitis and cold/asthma attack this last month each had an accompanying runny nose...yucky pooh...
* "The Nebulizer" - although he seemed to love it when he was super sick, the moment Deven felt a little better the Nebulizer became the enemy...Grandma Bodle can attest to this!
* Wheezing - OK so this is more of a mom and dad dislike because it didn't really seem to stop Deven.
* Medicine - Medicine tasts gross and makes Deven gag...I wonder if it has Cinnamon in it??

Our Mr. Man is growing up so fast and it is so exciting to be able to explore this crazy world with him.

Here are some pics of Deven celebrating Auntie Anne (2/22) and Dadda's (3/6) birthday at the Tap House in Bellevue. Deven had sour dough bread and alder plank salmon for the first time!

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