Thursday, May 5, 2011

Bellevue 10K

Nick and I decided to step up our fun runs a notch and signed up for the Bellevue 10k this month. We woke poor Deven up at the crack of dawn and made it down to Bellevue by 7am - no easy feat especially since Nick and I were celebrating a friend's 30 birthday and Deven was partying with his buddies at school until 10pm the night before!! We met up with Grandma and Grandpa Bodle who gladly played with Deven in a vacant mall while Nick and I endeavored our first run without Deven. It was sort of strange but also fun to see what we could do minus Deven and the stroller's 30+ pounds. We both kicked butt - but I must brag just this once - I totally beat Nick!! Awesome!! Here are our final results.

angela - my Bellevue Breakfast Rotary 5K & 10K - 10K results

nick - my Bellevue Breakfast Rotary 5K & 10K - 10K results

There was a Marine troop there who did the 5k and so we ran into them when the two races combined at the end. I was so energizing to see them/hear them as we ran and it really got me through that last mile!!

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