Saturday, June 18, 2011

How I survive

I'm sitting here on the couch unable to move after throwing my back out yesterday around 12:30pm. At first it wasn't that of course I mopped the floor while Deven was napping and then I lugged him down the stairs when he woke up and looked at me with those big blue eye saying, "hold you momma?" Which means he wants me to hold him. Bad idea.

After that the back got progressively worse regardless of me icing and taking Advil. If you know me well, you know I don't take any sort of medicine in most cases so this was a pretty big deal. When I woke up this morning I had progressed or rather regressed and was unable to walk or even to crawl with any sort of grace. We had big plans for the weekend too, being father's day and all. This is the weekend we always go to the brew fest in Kenmore...well the weather sort of took care of that one but I certainly sealed the deal.

So after a couple pain induced naps, reading the beginning of a couple of books that have been sitting in my Que for months, I am officially board out of my mind. So I decided to vent to you or rather no one in particular.

One of the books I was reading today is called Positive Discipline by Jane Nelsen. So far so good! What caught my attention, given my current...situation...was her book's dedication. It was 'To Barry' her husband. The dedication was almost a page long and it was a description of how her husband helped her out. I was wondering how she was going to tie it into the book because there was no talk of reading, editing or advice about the book just how he helped her take care of one of there children. I say 'just' because it was odd to have a dedication page not talk about the actual writing of the book. But then the last few sentences brought it together. She stated people always ask her how she does it all, and then she said, "now you know." I thought that was phrased so well and is exactly how I feel at all times.

So maybe I should retell my 'story' and tell you how it really went down because I'm sure you are wonder what in the heck was Deven doing as I spiraled down into my paralyzed state here on the coach?

I went to work yesterday morning while nick took the second day off of Deven being sick. He had taken the first too but we both thought it would be a quick virus and he would be back to school. Nope. So we planned poorly and I HAD to be at a meeting at 8:30am. Nick, though likely irritated, didn't say a word. He has always been supportive of my dramatic need to be stand-out where ever I am working. My work would have understood my absence but it was very good for me that I was there and nick understands that.

After the meeting I came home to relieve nick. Deven and I played for a bit but to get him ready for nap and remind him that he was still not feeling well with a 102f temperature we took a shower and got all calmed down. I went to pick him up to get him on the changing table. I obviously went down at the wrong angle and slip... You know the rest of the middle of the story. After the lugging Deven down the stairs and several more uncomfortable hours I had to call nick home. He came back immediately and without question.
He has taken care of everything since. He made pancakes for breakfast, took Deven to the museum, made me continue taking Advil and switching out the ice packs. He even took care of trips to the rest room (yes for both Deven and myself) cuz that's just the kinda man he is.

So to circle back and bring this rambling narrative to a close, if you are ever wonder how I 'do it all' now you know.

Pics are of MY boys. I call these, 'A view from the couch.'

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