Monday, June 3, 2013

14 month - Tova

Tova and Me bounce bounce bouncin' on the trampoline

Our right handed from birth little lady getting her art on

On our way into home depot, all necessary accessories donned

The charts may say she is at 20% of the average baby but until she looses her chunky little butt I will not worry about how "tiny" people tell me she is
Can you even believe that Tova is 14 months?  It sort of crept up on us.  She is starting to get her run on but trips a lot.  This does not stop her.  She climbs slides, she jumps into our arms during swim class and she is not afraid to let you know just how wrong about what it is you thought she wanted, will lose patients and given the opportunity will attempt to climb the shelf, table, chair to get it herself.

Tova is developing quite the personality.  Her teachers generally describe her as super happy, smiley and lovie, but just as frequently we get words like: demanding, clingy, high maintenance.  Whom ever said that second children are calm and just go with the flow was just wrong in this instance.  Tova can start the water works if there is no sauce on the pasta, if I (the mama) put her down for more than a minute anytime after 4pm but especially if we continue to insist that she wear a diaper.

Tova doesn't talk much: DAAAAAADDDDD means both Dad, Deven and Dog. WUUFFWUUFFWUUUF also means dog.  Very rarely she says mama but she threw me a bone on mother's day weekend and said it a few times (not while crying).  Though she may not actually talk this chick understands so many things it is actually surprising.  Let's be clear though, just because she can understand doesn't mean she will follow instructions. :)

Her facial expressions are priceless.  We are working on the pouty lip...I may regret teaching her this.  Today she seems to have mastered shaking her head yes or no.  You can imagine which she prefers most.

She's still working on the eating thing.  She's got 8 teeth but the tiniest throat that has a very low tolerance for anything other than a finely chopped piece of food.  Her gag reflex is epic.  Strawberries and Blue Berries are her favorite fruits and she has a hankering for mushrooms and pasta.  Hmmm sounds like a girl I know...

Her favorite activities are swimming, the bath tub, jumping on the trampoline, feeding Sam and being carried by yours truly.  She loves to give hugs and blow kisses at bed time just like her bro which makes leaving her at night hard even when I know we'll be hanging together later.  She is both girly and tom boy at the same time.  She is a tough cookie but needs to know we saw that she fell so that she can get a hug before pretending that she didn't really need it, pushes us away and continues the same dare devil activity that got her into the mess in the first place. 

She looks up to Deven with awe.  It's awesome to watch her watching him.  Pure love.

Keeping with Deven at the ICM...they played for 2.5 hours before we headed home and she zonked at 6pm for the night...or rather until she decided it was snack time. :)

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