Friday, June 14, 2013

Pretty School

Today was Deven's last day of pretty school...I mean preschool. To continue with flash back Friday view this video from the first day of preschool this year, September 5, 2012.  I can and can't believe it at the same time.  I'm not going to pretend to have loved this year.  For many reasons it was one of the best and one of the most challenging year of my life. 

We had to finishing up potty training, he had to learn that he wasn't the necessary the most important kiddo in the room, he tested this...tested that...and tested this again, he demanding independence, then he demanded dependence 1 second later.  We convinced him that we always tell him the truth about things so now when we answer things like why the rain falls, why people pass away, and why it's necessary to clip your toe nails he doesn't always tell us we've got it all wrong.  We learned all personal space, all about fake food, and all about not peeing on bathroom walls.  We've been busy.

Thankfully the schedule included things like, hugs every night without exception, funny stories every day on the way to school about the dreams he'd had the night before, hot chocolates, mama and Deven dates, fire boots, music, music, music, digging holes to Australia, teaching sister to blow kisses, motorcycle walks, teaching sister to rock, teaching sister to love her blanket just as much as he loves White Blanket, books, books, books, morning smoothies, learning how to eat pizza and learning how to eat a cup cake.

This kid (heck this mama) has learned so much in what seems like a very short school year. 

You may wonder what in heck will be different come Monday when I bring him back to the same class room and the same teacher and generally the same class mates (pretty-k starts in September)?  Well, I'm not exactly sure to be honest but I am looking at a long list of weekly activities and it has several "Bouncy House" days throughout the next few months.  Ahhh...I wish I could have a bouncy house day. :)

So here is another archived video and a picture Nick took for me today (after I called desperately requesting that he take one because I couldn't believe I forgot...shheeessshhh I can't imagine what I am going to be like when he starts kindergarten).

P.S. I have finally convinced him that our hair dresser will not ruin his 'rocker hair' and we will be getting a trim as soon as I can get in.

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