Sunday, November 1, 2009

Four Months!

Deven turned four months old on Friday! We couldn't believe it!! Last time I weighed him, he was 16 lbs and 6oz; he varies from day to day but I am thinking he is officially over 16 lbs. This was a big month for Deven:


* All his teachers at school - he always has a big smile when we drop him off and when we pick him up.

* Thumb/hand/fingers - what ever part of the hand, you can generally find it in is mouth

* Feet - Deven found his feet this last was fun to see, we sort of thought he might take after Nick and not be able to touch his toes!

* rattles - no one in particular, but he like to grab on and stick them in his mouth

* car seat toy - not the car seat so much but the fun exciting toy we attached to it makes it a hit most days.

* Talking to himself - we usually try to talk back to help him develop language but it is pretty funny to listen to him amuse himself on the way to and from school every day.

* Einstein Chair - we know the videos are suspect but the chair is awesome, so says Deven. Specifically this month the orange star...Deven talks to it, laughs at it, grabs it and chews on it...freakin' hilarious!

* Eating - Deven went through a growth spurt this last week and had his 4 mo "wakeful period" a little early. I am hoping that it is over, we were getting a little too used to him sleeping through the night.

* Drooling - nick and I haven't figured out if Deven is teething, doesn't have the ability to keep it in his mouth to swallow it or if he is just a drooling king but man alive this little man is a drool machine!


* Napping - still really hates napping...but we (nick and all his teachers) celebrate those hour long ones and make sure to keep this busy boy entertained!

* Colds - Deven had his first cold this month; it sucked but thankfully it was not the dreaded flu. Nick and I have gotten the regular flu shot but the H1N1 shot seems to be out of our reach.

* being away from Nick and me all day...ok this is our dislike, but I am sure if he could talk this is what he would say.

We have his 4 mo check up this next week full of official weighing, measuring and shots. We are hoping the shots go as well as last time which was minimal side effects. Wish us luck. Below are some recent pics from this month.

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