Friday, April 30, 2010

10 Months!!

Deven celebrated this month with no colds, no visits to the doctor and no sick parents. A miracle! He also got a present from the US Government! His passport came in the mail this week. The police station in Lake Stevens does pass port processing on Saturdays (a rare find) so Nick and I decided to take Deven to get his a while back when we realized we couldn't leave the country with Deven. Where are we going you ask? We have no immediate plans but there was just something about not being able to leave the country that got me all fired up to get his. We will have to think of something fun! Likely a trip to Vancouver and/or Victoria is in our future! I felt a little strange posting a picture of his photo, security purposes and all...but if you are ever up at the house ask to see it! There is something simply hilarious about a baby in a passport photo and Deven has what we have coined his "old man face" in the pic.
Deven turns 10 months today! No check ups but thanks to an in-home scale we know that he is currently 21lbs and 5oz! He has been on the move this month. Nick and I have effectively put baby proofing off until now only through following him around each evening and being on the go every weekend. However, I think it is fast becoming impossible to keep up with this curious fella and we need to get on Amazon and order up some safe-keeping hardware!

Along with the constant crawling and cruising this month I would say the theme as always was food! Deven is getting pretty good at stuffing just about anything into is mouth: bananas, avocados, black beans, pine needles, tuffs of Sam's get the idea. Here is a pic of Deven's first foyer in to self feeding...needless to say it was a success! ; )

The next few month are going to go by so fast with baby showers, babies being born, birthdays and other exciting spring events! This weekend we are officially starting summer birthday party planning at the DeBord/Harrington household which includes Deven's FIRST birthday. It isn't totally firm yet but I am thinking 7/11 will be the day so save the date and if you are near LS or on your way to Vancouver stop by for what I believe will be a BBQ in honor of the D man...stay tuned...

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