Monday, April 5, 2010

9 Months

Deven turned 9 months this last week. His official check up is Thursday but I thought I would get in some pictures of one of his favorite activities, crawling.

Last month he was definitely getting around but it was more of an Army crawl of sorts. This is full fledged. He also continues to pull him self up onto everything and has started practicing "cruising." He doesn't quite realize just how far he could go around the coffee table but he does realize that if he leans along the table he will eventually land near the toy he has his eye on. We had a sick free few weeks until this week but thankfully it seems to have come and gone within just a couple of days and NO nebulizer (cross your fingers).

Hmmm, what else can I brag about??

He still says Momma and Dadda but I am still not convinced he actually associates Nick or myself with the words. Dadda seems like it will be his first word when it does happen though. This month Deven has tried a few more "real" foods...asparagus, spaghetti pasta, tai rice, potatoes, mini orange slices and a tiny piece of strawberry...nervous about this last one and his tummy didn't seem to appreciate it either...maybe in a few months when "they" say it is safer to give babies more citrus fruits.

Stats as far as we know (officials to come) are ~29 inches and ~21lbs. He has officially started into his 12 month cloths, thanks to everyone who got Deven outfits for a year out at his shower!!

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