Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day Dash

Deven signed up for his first race this month. Well actually, I couldn't stand not signing up for the dash again this year so I made the whole family come with me!! We got Deven his first running shoes and prepared him by talking about the race all week. When we got to the race he prepared by running almost the full length of the neighboring soccer field, downed a dum dum sucker from the packet pick-up table and inhaled a full banana. He was good to go.

After I felt satisfied with the number of pre-dash pictures I had taken it was time to get him lined up. Kiddos his age were required to be at the back so Nick and Deven got ready...the competition was pretty fierce. There were lady love bugs everywhere! I am pretty sure Deven (accompanied by Daddo and Momma) were last. I'm talking the people making sure the course was cleaned up had to slow down for him to finish!! Regardless, he had the best time and celebrated with his honorary ribbon and tons of hugs and kisses from Grandma and Grandpa Bodle!

Next up was the official Valentine's Day Dash. I made the decision to stop running around 26 weeks (6.5 months) so it had been almost two months since I had even put the 'ol running shoes on. Thankfully edema has not been an issue this pregnancy so they actually, they would not have fit at this point with Deven! I strapped Deven into his spaceship (aka stroller) and we headed to the outer most corral so as not to disturb those 15 minute 5k finishers.

I decided to do what I could running wise, which proudly was about 3/4 of a mile, before it was just too uncomfortable. I finished the rest walking as fast as I could which wasn't as fast as some stroller mommas but I managed to finish before they cleaned up the coarse! Bottom line is Deven and I finished in about 49 minutes. Nick circled backed to make sure baby sister was still in my belly so we all finished as a family. Uncle Aaron presented Deven with his first trophy after we crossed the finish line.

The race was a success and officially a tradition for the Johnston Family. Will we enter into our 4th consecutive St. Patrick's Day Dash?? TBD!!

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