Monday, May 21, 2012

Back to Bellingham weekend

If you told me when I woke on Saturday morning that I would be breast feeding my 6 week old somewhere in the middle of a hiking trail adjacent to the Western Campus I would have provided you with a few expletives which would have generally boiled down to "not on your life."  This weekend, as Nick and I so often do, we headed out of the house with probably too many things planned in one day for our new little family.  So this will be one of those longer posts because we jammed packed three days into one Saturday!!

First.  A morning nap attempt for Tova was going no where so we quickly gathered all basic bags and threw them in my little car [purchased while attending college 12 years ago - to become relevant momentarily]. The basics included a whole pack of diapers for Tova because really who am I kidding; this kid poops about 3x more than I ever remember Deven pooping.  As soon as we each got our coffee treat we were on the I-5 headed north towards Bellingham - yes Bellingham.  This may seem overly ambitious on the outset but it's only an hour away and, well, Nick and I dig the city!  We were headed up to participate in the annual Back2Bham weekend.  An event that invites all the alumni back to campus for a little carnival, tours, a BBQ and etc., [note to self next time leave kiddos at home because there was a freakin' beer garden set up in the old side of the library].  If you recall many posts from last summer, Deven can't get enough of carnivals so there was really no question that we would go to this event! 

As we headed into town Nick and I reflected back on my purchase of the very car we were driving...a tiny green kia sephia.  They don't even make these cars any more folks.  What it boils down to is I am cheep.  I like taking vacations and being able to save for Deven and Tova's college.  Thus we show up almost 10 years after graduation in the same vehicle with which we road away into the sun set.  A little embarrassing?  Yes.  Practical? Definitely!

Parking was always a little hectic when we lived on campus so we opted to park at the top of Sehome Hill because we knew we could park and just walk down the trails.  Being from Bellingham and/or the NW in general we had both ergo baby carrier and kid hiking back pack to lug Tova and Deven so this didn't seem that big of a deal.  Well, really it wasn't that big of a deal looking back at it but it was very strange to find myself needing to feed Tova half way down.  So a fallen tree presented a perfect station.  I waived the men onward and Tova and I just hung out for a while.  Thankfully she finished up before a group of high school guys walked through.  They were probably juniors in college or something but I will not admit that a junior in college looked like a 15 year old to this old broad!!

We met up with the Wright's on campus and Deven and their little lady Myka wreaked havoc for a while before we made it to Red Square where the carnival was set up.

The carnival was mainly a bounce house free-for-all with music but the piece de resistance was the face painting station.  I think we ended up playing in a bouncy house for 3 minutes and waiting in a face painting line for about 40 minutes.  Deven would not be deterred by said line.  One Man Pie (pot pie vendor) feeding for Daddo, Momma and Deven and one momma milk feeding for Tova later Deven's face was officially painted.  As you can see we got the one chick that was not an art major...this is supposed to be a dragon...

We took Deven through a mini tour of the library much to the chagrin of hard working students but man it was cute seeing him pull some random book off the shelf to sit in a chair and 'study.'  However, I assure you this did not last nearly as long as the bouncy house portion of the day.  With the gang famished once more we headed to Viking Union for a quick bite to eat and a view of pirate ship in Bellingham Bay - who knew!!

Second.  With only minutes to spare Nick and Deven hiked back up to grab the car (thank you Tova for needing to eat again and getting momma out of this adventure).  We hi-tailed it to the ice rink where the college was hosting the Alumni Hockey game. This year it was alumni against alumni which was, I am told, a lot more fun than against the current team.  Deven being one of guys hung out with Nick as they changed into their gear.

Next thing I know Deven comes charging out of the locker room with Nick's helmet, gloves and hockey tape on his jeans to hold on his pretend shin guards.  We were all so caught up in his determination that everyone sort of 'made way' for the little dude.  I have to admit the look on his little man face really surprised me; he was going to play hockey with his Daddo and no one was going stop him!!  I just barely was able to grab him as he was getting onto the ice.  Tears immediately irrupted from our blond bomb shell.  It was literally heart breaking to have to tell him no.  Nick and I convinced him to just watch by promising that he could play on the ice after the game.  There is usually a few minutes before the Zamboni comes out and Nick can skate him around.  As with most things though watching soon got too boring so we went in search of distraction until the end of the game.  Some day I hope to sit and watch a game again! :)

An empty indoor soccer field and base ball fields were perfect for Deven to 'get it out' and by the time the game was over he was exhausted and filthy...all things almost three-year-olds should be!!  Note the hockey tape still on Deven's jeans. :)

All was going well when I got a call from one of the wives.  The game was over and how far away were we?!?  Apparently they did two longer halves rather than three periods - my calculations of when to return were completely off.  We were 2 minutes walk for a normal person but at least 10 minutes walk for Deven and is distractable little self.  We had missed Deven's opportunity to get on the ice.  I spent the next 10 minutes trying to figure out how to break it to him or rather how to make this a non-event because there was something so much more fun.  I decided on focusing on the fact that it may be too dangerous to go on the ice because the Zamboni might be out but that he could get to hang out with all the guys again.  Wouldn't you know that by the time we got back the darn Zamboni was finished!!  Deven put 2 and 2 together and was once again determined to get on the ice.  Thankfully I steered him to the locker room and that was enough to distract him.

Third.  You may be wondering where Tova was in all this? Thankfully she was quite the trooper and as long as I fed her (a lot) and let her nap in the carrier she was good to go.  Until now.  Being in a carrier or car seat all day may have its perks for an infant but Tova was decidedly done just as we got back into the car for the third part of our outing - a BBQ at a friends house.  One of Nick's buddies still lives close to Bellingham so we decided to join them and some others for dinner.  What was probably only 15 minutes away but it felt like 30 to me as Tova screamed bloody murder to be let out and fed.  We made it there alive much to my surprise.  Once fed Tova's world was righted and Nick and I were able to relax for a bit which I must say hasn't happened often in the last six weeks.

I had fun talking with the ladies, Deven had fun playing with all new-to-him toys and Nick got to chat it up with the guys.  By the time we left Deven was a zombie.  This was perfect because Deven knows how to put himself to sleep.  Tova does not.  An over tired baby does not make a drive home pleasant.  We were able to calm her down for most of the trip but let's just say the fun of the day was nearly not worth this torture.  Deven didn't seemed to mind though because he slept through it ALL.  This is both amazing because he was sitting right next to her but also because generally he does not sleep in cars no matter how tired. 

So we got home and by that time we were passed Tova's 'witching hour' so I was able to get her down right away and Deven never even opened his eyes as Nick changed him and put him to bed.  We then collapsed onto our bed.  I'd like to say we learned our lesson and will not jam all that into one day again but I would be lying given what I know we already have planned for next weekend. 

Ready, set, GO!

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