Monday, August 20, 2012

The 7 Year Itch

Nick and I decided we needed a day together to celebrate our seven years of marriage and almost 13 years together.  I'm pretty excited he isn't sick of me yet.  We dropped the kiddos off at school and headed to Mt. Pilchuck for romantic 5.5 mile hike.  No itching here; except for the mosquito bites on the hike we took.  My first major athletic excursion since Tova went pretty well...I was thoroughly exhausted by the end but after I got back into the truck, turned on the air conditioning and drank some liquid I was good as new (two days later when my muscles returned to normal)!

 This is Nick and Sam in the first half mile before I became to weak and disoriented to walk and take pictures at the same time! :)

 Our much needed fuel to get us up the mountain, mixed nuts with M&M's, so delicious.

 We of course took Sam with us, he had such a good time.  Poor guy just doesn't get out any more.  I am hoping this will change very soon!!

 Our view from the look out tower of Mt. Pilchuck.  We couldn't go up together because there was too many people to leave Sammers down below alone.  Some day we will get back just the two of us but it's hard to justify ditching our first child.

I signed the book for us.  I really wonder where these books go.  I think it would be awesome if people scanned them and posted on an official mt web site or something.  Someone should get on this.

This is us on our way down.  I chose a black and white edit so you can't see my red face and dripping sweat!!  Seven years, here's to seven more babe!!

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