Thursday, January 10, 2013

9 month check up - Tova

Today we had our 9 month check up for Tova.  I double checked some growth charts online and I'm pretty sure our nurse ment to write 95% for weight.  As you can.see she is quite rollie so I wasn't convinced that 70% percent of the girls her age were chubbier than our sweet t. Doc said she's doing great and is super strong.  He decided to check me out too because I decided to have a coughing attack while we were there.  No worries I checked out fine too...I'm not going to tell you what percentages I fall under though.

I haven't been good about doing lists for Tova so I will try now.

* her corderoy bear, raspberry blanket and her thumb...think comfort
* laughing dadadadada
* crying mamamama
* waving bye bye or waving hi
* her brother because when she just isn't feelin it, dev always makes her laugh
* waking up at 6am to go get coffee with momma
* playing fetch...with herself. Girl throws (anything) across the room or across the bath tub and crawls or dives after it.
* per above, bath time - we can only fill the tub about an inch because she's a kamikaze every night.
* sammy, she and sammy are bff's.  She crawls all over him and would cuddle with him in his bed if we would let her.  Sam actually seems to enjoy her invading his space.

* stuffy noses, coughs and cold seasons on general
* getting her top four teeth ALL at once.
* sitting still, this kids just doesn't stop.  It is so rare I've included the latest picture of one such moment so we can look back on this post and know its possible.  This also marks the first book she has read with us...not joking.
* changing...cloths, diapers, name it...can't we just wear pjs and stay at stbx all day??

So that's our sweet t in a nut shell. We still wake up a couple few times a night to have a snack but definatly moved past the crazy first months.  She is so giggly and happy except when we inflict her dislikes upon her.  Three months ago I would have laughed out loud if you would have told me she would be our easier child right now!!  But Deven's likes and dislikes will have to wait for a different blog!

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