Friday, May 9, 2014

The Open

So, I'm not huge on "me" blogs but I'm super proud if things I've been up to lately so you'll see a couple here this summer.  Here's the first one.

For all of March I signed up for this "thing" called the Open.  The way I explain it is It's like when you sign up for a run BUT the run happens every weekend for five weeks and you never know when you're going to run until Friday of each week. 

In this case though its not running, it's weight lifting.  Lifting weights, lifting your body, lifting a 14lb ball a.million times, listing your super heavy.feet fast enough to accomplish double unders.  If I hadn't been doing stuff like this for the previous 9 months I would have said it was the hardest thing I've ever done beside carry deven around for 9 months and not sleep with Tova for 11 months.  Ok, nevermind, it was the hardest thing except for those two other things. :).

I think the best thing that came out of it was some confidence.  I had no freaking idea I could do a chest to bar pull up.  It wasnt pretty but I did a few...or maybe 14...but who's counting?  Oh ya, the judges that were standing right next to me the whole time...counting. 

Here is a sample of pictures from the 4th and 5th week. 

And here are my official results page.  I ended up around the high end of average for NW region which I was again super surprised about.  I can honestly say I'm already better than this and can't wait to see where I land next year.

P.S., I left Deven at class the other day whilst showing his buddy how to do push ups and burpees.  Fitness example, done!