Sunday, June 10, 2012

Potty update

Warning: If you don't like to hear about toddler trips to the bathroom or other related topics, this blog is not for you!

As noted a few posts ago, we have started a new 'program' here à la maison du Johnston.  It's called 'Operation Bribe Deven to use the Freaking Toilet'. I must say, hopefully not to jinx anything, it seem to be working!!  We have moved through big boy scissors, to a cup cake party (Nick and I appreciated this one) to his most recently 'earned' bigger airplane.  It is a BIGGER airplane because he acknowledged that he already owns an airplane, he just wanted a bigger one. 

Well today, to our amazement and joy...yes I'm using these words...Deven pooped in his potty all by himself.  I'm talking he was at the breakfast table, he told us he had to go poopoo and he went to the bathroom by himself.  At first he wanted total privacy (he actually told us he needed privacy).  He even went so far as demanding that we not even talk to him because he was in the bathroom going poop.  But he was either nervous or needed further encouragement because momma was called in for backup.  I was instructed to go poop too.  This was both weird and hilarious.  He was on his special potty so this was actually possible.  Let's just say I do what I'm told if there is a chance my kid is going to finally do the deed without the entire house turning upside down with chaos. 

Several minutes all know how tough it can be...and much grunting Deven had done it.  Yes, not some sissy try at pooping where you know he will just go in his diaper five minutes later, a genuine toddler man poop. 

#2's are of course worth two stars so with 8 already on the board he has made it to 10 and earned his bigger air plane.  In anticipation of this glorious moment I had pre-purchased Sideley the airplane from the Disney store earlier in the week.  Instant gratification seems to be working because he has been diaperless all morning with no accidents and has even earned another star since!

I know we are not out of he woods and are doomed for set backs along the way but this was very encourageing to say the least!!

Next up I'm told will be a 'big hammer' like daddos!!  Hmmm...


  1. so I see Timmy and Deven have something in common! He was outright hellish in potty training. NO bribes worked for him. I know this because I seriously tried all of them. What finally worked? Good ol' peer pressure at preschool:) Timmy didn't want to be the only kid in pullups. No he loves to inform me, "Mommy do you see that big sucker I pooped? It's huge!!!" Wonder if our girls will be the same way?

  2. Tara, we had two days on no diaper during the day, then once he got back to school (day care) it all went to heck. I'm pretty sure peer pressure is going to be what does it the fall he starts preschool...I suppose I can handle a few more months. I've heard girls are easier, I sure hope so!!

  3. YAY Deven!!
    I know we are going the bribing route. Usually Brooke gets to it too late and says oops. She's still trying to figure out her pullups.

    Although last night she told me "no shirt" while she sat on the toilet. ha!

  4. This post made me laugh out loud! I can just picture him telling you he needed his "privacy" LOL I hope he continues with his good potty behavior! :)

    1. Thanks Maria, love it when I can entertain!! He's been doing pretty well. We've got #1 down but #2 might need a separate chart altogether. Stay tuned!! :)
