Saturday, November 2, 2013


So It's been a million years since I posted anything so I thought I would wait one week more and write down a few samples of what goes through Deven's head day-to-day.  Obviously this was Halloween week but I wouldn't be surprised if these same snippets appeared in our family dialogue in June.
Mom! I want to be Luke skywalker's dad for Halloween. [Deven went as Darth Vader this year and I'm pretty sure I've explained Vader's relationship to Luke about a million times.  His request was genuine and without acknowledgment of any previous conversation.]
Mom!?! Why do adults think wine is so tasty? [a good but weirdly unexplainable question.  Note when you can't explain something to Deven just chuckle and tell him he's funny.  This tends to give you a free pass.]
Mom! We need a lot of Halloween candy because a lot of people want to come to lake Stevens because there is no volcano here!! [Deven is obsessed with Pompeii and ultimate destruction of large areas of land.  Of course people would want to be where there untimely demise by 'the volcano' (because there seems to only be one) was extremely remote.]
Mom! [Playing Tova's mini blue Cinderella guitar] This is a 1949 Gibson; that's why its so small.  [I'm not sure why he felt it necessary to give a reason for the size of guitar or whether it was just his reenactment of one his favorite YouTube celebrities Phil X.  If you want to learn about guitars he's your guy...Phil X that is but Devs working on it too.]
Mom!?! [Holding a dollar bill] Do recognize this guy? I'm pretty sure It's Frank Sinatra. [The day prior I was so proud that he recognized Frank when he rolled around on our Pandora station.  Apparently he and George have similar profiles??]
Mom!  [After we close his door for the night] more mouth kiss, please??? [In addition to the kisses we blew to him before closing the door].
[About 1hr in to our trick-or-treating adventure].   Me: Are you tuckered out?  Dev: Ya, but I just want to make a good  score, ya know?? Me: I totally get it.  Dev: Mom! I'm gonna get this house.  [Runs determined across a manicured lawn]
[While we we're talking about the upcoming holiday season] Mom!  I sure hope I'm not sick for Thanksgiving this year.  Me: you remember that you were sick last year? Deven: oh ya, sure.  [I think to myself, so he remembers being sick more than a year ago but remembering to flush is a problem?]
[To no one in particular]. You know, I don't like stormy weather because its cold and you have to wear a jacket and I really want to wear a swim suit.
We love this kid.  Most days.

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