Saturday, November 2, 2013

Halloween 2013

The third annual trick-or-treating trip to the Burgess's neighborhood in Everett was a success.
We loaded the kids up with pizza and bananas (upon their request).  The adults were armed with rum concoctions or wine in coffee mugs and we headed out into the twilight.
Dev went as Darth Vader; my attempts at convincing him of his near doppelganger match to Luke Skywalker were barely acknowledged.  Tova was Max from Where The Wild Things Are.  This may seem like an odd choice but given her 'tude and ability to command this family it is more than appropriate.  Plus the outfit was like a huge blanket.  Nick went as Deven's dad and I went as a financial analyst who was tired of wearing her prom zombie costume.  My work had a prom theme and I just happen to still have my senior prom dress.  I think the shock that the dress still fits was equal to the shock that I had makeup on, regardless of its zombie-esk attributes.
This was the Tova's first official trick-or-treating but it wasn't really her thing.  She did think it was interesting that people would give her things but apart from the dum dum lolly pop she got at the first door the walk and people watching were far more exciting.
This was NOT true for Deven.  Deven was 100% in to things this year so much so that when he and Charlie decided that a home owner was taking too long to come to the door they simply let themselves in.  Apparently this did not go over well.  'Worst Group Of Parents' award.
We were all pretty much exhausted when we got home and I was grateful that if it had to be a work night that at least it was Friday so slipping in a few minutes late to school and work was ok.
Until next year.  Dev says he wants to be Luke Skywalker.

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